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"Petites Sculptures" Part One
"petites Skulpturen" erster Teil

"Petites Sculptures" Part Two
"petites Skulpturen" zweiter Teil

"Drawings Trieste (Italy)"
"Zeichnungen Triest"

Musical Abstractions "Forest Sonata"
Musikabstraktionen "Waldsonate"

"Minor Blasphemies"
"mindere Blasphemien"

"The Little Wall"
"die kleine Mauer"

Literary Abstractions "Arlecchino's Coat"
literarische Abstraktion "Arlecchinos Mantel"

"Saint Urban, Lucerne"
"Sankt Urban, Luzern"

"Village Cigars NY"
"Village Cigars NY"

"Color Couples Paris"
"FarbPaare Paris"

"Silent Views"
"stille Ansichten"

"The Open Window"
"das offene Fenster"

"Love Letters"

"City Impressions: Lyon"
"Stadtimpressionen: Lyon"

"The Hand of Evil"
"die Hand des Boesen"

"Hand Studies"

"The Mona Project"
"das Mona Projekt"

"The Grain Elevator in Fontanelle, Iowa"
"Kornsilo in Fontanelle, Iowa"

Self-Portraits "News from the Old Masters"
Selbstportraits "Neues von den Alten Meistern"

Self-Portraits "The Painted Painter"
Selbstportraits "der gemalte Maler"

"Dream Flight"

"The Salome Excavation" Part One
"die Salome Ausgrabung" erster Teil

"The Salome Excavation" Part Two
"die Salome Ausgrabung" zweiter Teil

"City Impressions: Innsbruck"
"Stadtimpressionen: Innsbruck"

"Beautiful People: DoubleHeads" Part One
"Beautiful People: DoppelKoepfe" erster Teil

"Beautiful People: DoubleHeads" Part Two
"Beautiful People: DoppelKoepfe" zweiter Teil

"Blue Green Song"
"das blaugruene Lied"

"Dublin Souvenirs"
"Dublin Souvenirs"

"Metz Blue Nudes"
"blauer Akt von Metz"

"City Impressions: New York" Part One
"Stadtimpressionen: New York" erster Teil

"City Impressions: Paris / Rue de Paradis"
"Stadtimpressionen: Paris / Rue de Paradis"

"Postcards from Aix-en-Provence"
"Postkarten aus Aix-en-Provence"

"Blue Period: Still Lifes"
"blaue Periode: StillLeben"

"City Impressions: Dublin"
"Stadtimpressionen: Dublin"

"City Impressions: Basel" Part One
"Stadtimpressionen: Basel" erster Teil

"City Impressions: Paris" Part One
"Stadtimpressionen: Paris" erster Teil

"Muted Compositions" Part One
"stumme Kompositionen" erster Teil

"Muted Compositions" Part Two
"stumme Kompositionen" zweiter Teil

"The Red Shoes"
"die roten Schuhe"


"PostPopArt" Part One
"PostPopArt" erster Teil

"PostPopArt" Part Two
"PostPopArt" zweiter Teil

"PostPopArt" Part Three
"PostPopArt" dritter Teil

"Illustrative Realism" Part One
"illustrativer Realismus" erster Teil

"Illustrative Realism" Part Two
"illustrativer Realismus” zweiter Teil

"Illustrative Realism" Part Three
"illustrativer Realismus” drititer Teil

"Red Oak, Iowa: Still Lifes"
"Red Oak, Iowa: StillLeben"

"Red Oak, Iowa: Margy's Basement"
"Red Oak, Iowa: Margys Keller"

"Fanism" Part One
"Fanismus" Erster Teil

"Fanism" Part Two
"Fanismus" zweiter Teil

"At Christoph Delz' on Muehleberg Street in Basel (Switzerland)"
"bei Christoph Delz am Muehleberg in Basel"

"Drawings by Andreas During Primary School"
"Schulzeichnungen von Andreas waehrend der Primarschulzeit"

"Drawings by the 6 Year Old Andreas"
"Kinderzeichnungen vom 6jaehrigen Andreas"