Art Work of the Month March 2010

Andreas Jaeggi 20100201

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The Milk Maiden's Accounting System

It is very attractive for politicians to promise an abundance of social benefits to the citizens. And once these promises have helped to ensure election and actually been kept, nobody wants to give up these acquired benefits, that's for sure. The only hitch here is that you cannot spend more money than you have without consequences. Neither a private person can do that nor a state, not on a short term basis and even less so in the long run. And then there simply are some salaried citizens who think it is way too much of a "good thing" to work only for the state (which is not to be confused with the community) over half of each and every year.

Andreas Jaeggi:
"Tax Hell"
Petit Point Needlework
Colored Stitching Silk Yarn
6" x 11"